
Shortcodes shown have all attributes supported. Attribute values will be their defaults (as in if no attributes were added at all). Squigly braces are used instead of normal brackets so the site doesn’t process the shortcode.


  • category=””
  • exclude=””
  • limit=”8″
  • desktop-exclude=””


  • category=””
  • exclude=””
  • limit=”8″
  • desktop-exclude=””


  • id=””


Displays a list of categories


  • ids=””

IDs are comma separated.

{wdac-gallery-slider}Slides here{/wdac-gallery-slider}

  • mobile_edge_to_edge=”true”


  • title=””
  • img=””


  • title=””
  • id=”0″


  • src=””
  • class=””
  • alt=”Image”


  • id=”-1″
  • class=””


  • limit=”3″
  • ignore_post_id=”-1″


  • id=”0″

{wdac-slider-container}Slide content / slider / slides{/wdac-slider-container}

  • id=””
  • class=””
  • slides=”3″
  • loop=”true”
  • navigation=”true”
  • special=”false”
  • slides-desktop=””
  • space-desktop=”false”
  • free-mode=”false”


  • class=””
  • reverse=”false”


  • class=”sharp wdac-border-grey wdac-border-top wdac-border-bottom wdac-border-left wdac-border-right wdac-height–100 wdac-bg-white”
  • title=”Card Title”
  • href=”#”
  • card=”true”
  • slider-class=””
  • lightbox=””


Displays slider controls.


Displays slider controls in reverse.


  • category=””

{wdac-toc}Title||Href value{/wdac-toc}

  • open=”false”

Formatting for content should be one per line, separated by double pipe (||). Left side is title, right side is href.


  • title=”Page Bookmark”
  • id=””


  • src=””
  • class=””
  • alt=”Video”
  • atts=”playsinline loop muted autoplay”


Who we work with

Our clients




Family. Community. Qualified Professionals.

Our people

We see the people we work with as family. After all, we now have our third generation of Smith running the show. We have an experienced and friendly office and support staff who ensure our clients are taken care of and that your project in St. Louis goes smoothly. In the field, all of our staff are appropriately credentialed and have extensive training and a strong work ethic. All field employees have 10-hour OSHA training, and each of our supervisors has 30-hour OSHA training.

Integrity and trust matter, and we demonstrate that every day with our we treat our clients and how we work in the field.

Meet our team